Project Experience

Bored Tunnels

Boston Harbor Effluent Outfall Tunnel

Boston Harbor Effluent Outfall Tunnel

The Boston Harbor Effluent Outfall Tunnel is a MWRA’s 25-ft diameter tunnel, extending approximately 9.5 miles out into Massachusetts Bay—the longest single-entry tunneled outfall in the world. The Boston Harbor cleanup project includes the Deer Island Treatment...

SR99 Deep Bored Tunnel

SR99 Deep Bored Tunnel

SR99 is a $1.9 Billion WashDOT project. The tunnel is approximately 2 miles long and will replace the aging Alaskan Way Viaduct that was damaged in the Nisqually earthquake in 2001. Eldon Abbott, PE served as the Task Lead for the development of the Design-Build...

Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project

Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project

Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT) Expansion is the largest construction project in Virginia’s history with a total project budget of $3.8 billion. Peter Donahue, PE, prior to joining Reliance, served as the Project Manager of the Owner’s Engineer Team that developed...