Project Experience

Project Management

Central Artery/Tunnel Project

Central Artery/Tunnel Project

The CA/T project, considered the largest infrastructure project undertaken in the US to date, involved the replacement of a congested, dysfunctional, and outdated six-lane elevated viaduct with a widened eight to ten-lane underground expressway constructed through the...

Port of Miami Tunnel Project

Port of Miami Tunnel Project

The Port of Miami Tunnel Project is the first P3 project in the U.S., completed in 2010 at the cost of $700 million. The new tunnel provided a direct link needed to alleviate the traffic congestion caused by I-95 traffic having to go through the City of Miami to...

Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project

Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project

Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT) Expansion is the largest construction project in Virginia’s history with a total project budget of $3.8 billion. Peter Donahue, PE, prior to joining Reliance, served as the Project Manager of the Owner’s Engineer Team that developed...

MBTA Green Line Extension Project

MBTA Green Line Extension Project

In 2016, MBTA appointed Reliance as part of the Interim Project Management Team (IPMT) tasked with bringing the project costs under the allocated budget of $2.1 billion from the $3.0 billion projected at that time. Reliance served as the Value Manager on the IPMT...